Friday, May 27, 2011


really? More shitty weather! God! I hate this and its cold and gloomy just makes a person want to sleep when they have no plans or a work day! It just SUCKS! You don't want to run and go outside. You're use to the warmth of summer. And this is the SECOND shitty day! WASTE!


Thursday, May 26, 2011


i guess I'm feeling a little bit better! And whats that four more days!

I'll be here waiting...I'll think of you when the pit of me is bursting with excitement! I will remember the one who went through my 50 wallets, found my three brass knuckles, all my paperwork from the last five years. I'll know who my wings and feet are! I'll be here and one day we'll be here together...


HOPE! man do I feel like shit!

so when it all started it was easy. And I don't remember it getting hard or hurting but now it hurts. Cuts deep into my heart like a knife and I spill blood out of my open wounds because that's all I have left. From the numb to see the pain and to see the blood. Why? I feel it and think it to be so much easier if they NEVER existed! They make my life worse now. Growing up it was just there and now its thrown in my face for me to see nothing. It doesn't change anything! I don't want to talk, or to cry. I don't want reminisce in the old days...



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

today!This wednesday!

Sometimes I feel a little small but I know I'm not the only one...

I hung out with my first real ''in this city'' friend today!
She is so sweet and we went to her place and talked and laughed and made plans to hangout again Friday! I am too stoked! Finally!
ps.I sold another $100 dollars on one sale so thats another $3 bucks in my pocket!!! YAY!!!

 I feel small in the world! But who knew that hundreds of miles away I would fit better with the people here than home! I ended my night with a run and now I'm headed to bed but know this I feel small in this world I'm in but I don't feel alone :)


ummm omg what a crazy day but i got my license which is awesome and insurance on my car! Loving life!
I took a shower and laid out with Jessica ALL day! We mad vanilla milkshakes and listened to music and danced! I had a blast
Jimmy's going to the marines dinner get together;
basketball with the guys and then us girls with no rules! which was freakin' nuts...
then it was hot tub time and their yard and a hugh pool size puddle in it....omg the boys did belly flops in it! while I stood and laughed and kicked water at them! omg!! too funny, then it was passing out time shortly after!
sleep in. Watched the movie, "the carriers" and then I had work at four which I was picked up and we're had a small, short bonfire.
awesome day. I laid out in the sun again, I'm really tired to work on my tan...made a strawberry and bananas smoothie which are my FAVORITES! and then I had to work at four! I sold one hundred dollars of stuff in one sale so I made three dollars!!!The drive home was awesome and then we watched Austin Powers gold member which is too funny and passed out!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I swear where is a good store when you need it!!!! I guess this shoes will do!<3<3<3<3<3



YAY! Good_morning!!! I'm a free-bird today! No work with no plans and the world is my playground!!! So, I'm going to start my day with a hardcore breakfast and get ready to sit and figure out what the hell I'm going to do. haha:p


 YAY! THE gays are RIGHT in their WAYS!!! RIGHTS!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So like I don't think I'm ever going to get to drive my car again ever! And then I found SpongeBob and he's so correct! If only I lived in BikiniBottom, you know under the sea. I wouldn't have to deal with a place called the DMV or the stupid secretary of state! I would have a best friend who is a pink starfish, and we would go driving in our sandwich  legally!
its May and its 45 degrees outside! WTF!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

what an awesome Monday from a killier weekend....

Hell yeah!!! whoo-hoo!!! Well I'm off to dream land. Where if I had my own world it would be felled with absolutely just non-sense and people and animals would be up side down and Topsy tervy! I would have everything far away, and in between. The birds would bark and the dogs would sing and my mother would still sound the same. Hehe but that's only because she sounds like an angel. :p I would have sharks that would eat chocolate and daises you could use as milk straws with milk mustaches and petals that made you're nose twinkle. I would love it until I got homesick which I knew would happen eventrully well tell yeah how it ends......

I truly LOVE being me and maybe a little extreme!


I think I might be, but if it happens it will defiantly be worth the blood and band-aids...
I might be a little but it will all be worth it the end and this time a part will make us stronger and cherish you more...
I LOVE my own city for sure and living here has shown me both sides. The good, the bad and the ugly. I love HOME! but I think my heart is big enough to fall in love with another which is the weirdest feeling!
I got a job!!! yee-hawww!
I'm getting paid, I'm gonna get paid!!! I'm gonna see green and its the kind with the dead presidents face!!! Whoo-hoo!!! bills to pay and a new life to start!!! hey hey hey!!!


My dream became reality! So, we got the big idea that we wanted to go to the hoedown weekend and so we ventured out. The three Musketeers! We're driving a long and I'm playing the perfect track with my phone and finally we get 25 minutes from the destination when someone forgot where it was. So when turn around and got some gas. Which was 80 bucks for 20 gallons!!!O_O! that's horrible but we then made are way to the BK right around the corner. We walk in to get something to eat and not 5 minutes from ordering our food. Two charter buses filled with Detroit Tiger fans! And they were all eating there. Talk about good timing! So, we eat in the truck and then realize maybe this is a good time to check our phones navigation. Strike two, because the exit we were on had apparently no GPS that could be located! We pretty much drove around some more and then we called it quits and drove all the way back. We were very tired so the night part ended with Gold member and sweet dreams...


I think this is what my breakfast looked liked on Friday the 13th! Just take out the skeleton look and the creepy nose! But Friday was awesome, we told ghost stories which I have a few and had a bonfire in the rain. Eventfully it quit. We began to discuss politics and global warming and I think that had its influences by the beer. I had too much fun though!

I absolutely love this movie!!! I think its the perfect horror film especially back in the day! I had a blast playing pool, drinking and getting wet in the rain...I feel summer!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


It remembered me of the start of summer for sure! Unlike this photo lol it was cold and raining but so sweet and surrounded by sky scrapers and buildings!!!I went too and hoedown!!! It was awesome!!! And I totally have pictures! But the concert was awesome and we got the perfect standing spots!!! and we started partying the whole way there and saw cars racing on the highway. Then we parked at a "Arabs" parking lot. Which was right down the road from the stadium. as Where coming back we stopped at Wendy's, which is a favorite and now bed!!!