Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I just woke up, these are two dreams remembered........

so i had another crazy ready?......i dreamed Anthony Hopkins was my dad. He took me out to dinner. It was a five star restaurant and it was gorgeous . But then this lady sitting next to us started flipping out over some, "off in the distance" subject, and as she stormed up she spilled red wine all over my dads shirt. I still think it's funny that Anthony is my; Dad. But anyways, the manager hastily walked to our table and lead Anthony to the mens restroom, where I guess they changed his shirt and shaved him. He greets me at the restaurant's small gift shoppe' and he asked me is there anything that caught my eye while I was waiting? I looked around with one great pondering face but I already knew that this little flying squirrel stuffed animal slash pen slash key-chain was the winner with out a doubt. Granted in my dream I am still twenty and I will forever love my friends, my stuffed animals. So we then purchased the toy and I tore off the tag as we walked to the door and he hugged me goodnight, I thanked him for finding the time to spend with his kid and now I guess I will never forget the night with Anthony a.k.a. my third dad! 

second dream~
I was at a shin-dig with two or three of my really good friends but remember this is a dream and shin-digs get really rowdy. So we all arrived dressed in the best, ready to show our world what is limited and out of grabs. We open the doors to find my favorite; ''screamo-music''(I think i seem to see a pattern here lol)There is a HUGE mosh pit taking place right in front of the stage. (For those of you who do not know what a mosh pit is I would highly recommend looking it up after reading my blog now stay focused.)My friends take me and we run to the stage where another band is just starting up. The curtain slides away as I lay my eyes on Breaking Benjamin! One of my favorite bands. Their music is a really good, "life sound track" and I really enjoyed being there especially with my friends. One of my friends who I still can't put a picture to face yet, laid in the floor of the concert with me, when he pretended to smother me with his hand and the song played and the crowd jumped. I looked at him and pretended to fall asleep and then he would check my nose for air and I would breathe and we would look at each other and laugh. Some reason it wasn't what it sounds like. I was comfortable and happy. The band packed up as my friends gathered together and I was in the middle of them as we talked and laughed about old times. I wondering what there doing now. Two of my best guy friends walked me to my car from this awesome shin-dig dream and we called it a night or probably a morning.

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